How many times have you thought about starting an exercise programme or changing your eating habits to healthier ones, but didn’t take action because it “wasn’t the right time”?
Well, I’ve got news for you.
There is no such thing as the “right time”…
…especially if you’re an adult, have a full-time job and maybe have a family to look after.
You’ll probably tell yourself you’ll start, when:
- Things calm down a bit at work
- The weather gets better
- Covid cases drop
- The children can do their own homework
- Next week comes
- Next month comes
- You’re rich and retired
We often wish for wonderful things to happen to us, but when it comes to actually doing something about them, we back off and find excuses, because we realise that there is actual work involved to achieve those goals.
Sadly, the realisation that we need to get out of our comfort zone is what keeps us from growing, thriving, and being who we know we have the potential to be, or looking and feeling the way we’d really like to.
Get away from the All-or-Nothing way of thinking
When people start an exercise programme, they want the perfect diet and the latest workout plan. Because only the best plan is good enough. Every year they look for the new ‘IN’ plan.
The truth is that nobody can follow a perfect diet for long, and the latest workout plan will not give you more results than any ‘more traditional’ workout plan.
You can get in awesome shape doing just a few, basic exercises. You just need to keep doing them over and over, and gradually the results appear!
Likewise, your diet doesn’t have to be ‘perfect’. It just needs to be good enough to induce change and balanced enough to avoid deficiencies. Most of our clients don’t need to change their eating routine around. They just need to eliminate some of the extra in-between snacks and nibbles that have contributed to their weight-gain over time.
Accountability is the key
If you’re not an avid exerciser, starting and maintaining an exercise programme by yourself is hard, and the chances of you keeping it up long enough are slim.
If you start a diet, who’s gonna make sure you stick with it?
You probably need a coach.
A coach who guides you, supervises you, checks on you and helps you get back on track when you struggle.
At Richard Geres Personal Training, we have a great team of qualified, experienced, friendly and patient coaches.
If you want to reach your full potential in terms of health, fitness and body shape, our coaching team is the ideal solution for you.
Just get started
Don’t wait for the perfect moment. It will never come. Start now, and we’ll help you figure out how to take things day by day.
Starting means initiating action. Starting means committing to a choice of some kind or another. Don’t debate which road to take… just start by putting one foot in front of the other. Just do it!
Take the first right step and book a free consultation by calling us on 9997744 or by clicking here to schedule an appointment online, and find out how we can help you find betterment in your health and help you reach your true health and fitness potential.