Creating awareness among your employees about the direct relationship between physical wellness and productivity is the first step to maximising your organisation’s productivity.
The research is unequivocal: Employees that feel better are more productive.
Choose between our seminar series, fitness competitions and One-to-One coaching programmes to empower your workforce to perform better!
In our 3-part Seminar Series, we discuss the impact of exercise, nutrition and posture on the body, state-of-mind and its effect on physical and mental performance.
The goal is to raise awareness, explain fundamentals and provide employees with basic tools to address their individual issues. These can be related to (lack of) exercise, suboptimal eating habits or postural issues due to excessive sitting or inactivity.
We currently offer the following 3 seminars:
- Fundamentals of Nutrition
- Basic Exercise Programme Design
- Bad Posture: Causes and Remedies
1. Fundamentals of Nutrition
Topics covered:
- What is a well-balanced diet? It’s not what you think!
- What’s missing in your diet
- How to organise it in a simple way
- Tools to organise your meals
- What to choose when eating out
- 20 superfoods you should always have at home
- Fat-loss – the essential principles
- Sports Nutrition – eating for performance
- Best ways to adhere to a programme long enough to see results
- Duration: Approx 1 hour
2. Basic Exercise Programme Design
Topics covered:
- Fitness: What specific fitness are you after?
- Why should you be fit?
- Are you meeting the minimum physical activity guidelines?
- Physiological effects of exercise on the body
- How exercise affects your genes and DNA
- Strength training: What you need to grow muscle
- How to develop a running programme
- Flexibility training: Why and how
- Testing your fitness progress
- How to start and complete a fitness programme
- Duration: Approx 1 hour
3. Bad Posture: Causes and Remedies
Topics covered:
- Common postural deviations
- Sitting disease
- Corrective techniques
- Practical examples
- Duration: Approx 1 hour
Presenter: Richard Geres MSc Nutritional Medicine, ACE-CPT
2. Corporate Fitness Challenge
One of the best ways to create team spirit and motivate your employees is to create a corporate fitness challenge!
With the use of our custom App, we can provide the following layout for your company’s fitness challenge:
Team based competition
Employees can form teams that compete against each other (this increases motivation and team-spirit).
Divisions: You can create ‘divisions’, containing several ‘teams’ that compete together against another division. This could be departments, office locations or companies within the group competing against each other.
Scoring can be based on either the average amount of minutes exercised, or on a point system awarded for engaging in a particular type of exercise or sport, according to duration (e.g. running, weight lifting, yoga, aerobics, football, cycling or swimming).
The duration of the challenge is optional, but we usually recommend 10-12 weeks max, as after that, motivation and participation drops significantly.
You can create a number of incentives during the competition to increase motivation and create a more competitive atmosphere.
For example:
- The weekly leading team get a gift voucher/free lunch, or similar
- The Top 10 exercisers at the end of the challenge will receive/enter a draw for a grand prize
- The best performer in each group will receive a grand prize at the end of the competition
- Reporting provided
- Team rankings: real-time from the user’s dashboard & weekly via email
- Individual standings (you can hide this if you wish) across 6 exercise categories, including overall
- Winning team and teammates at the conclusion
- Exceptional exercisers: listing of individuals exercising at least 3 days/week and 30 minutes/day at the conclusion
- Custom reports: these can be provided if you are looking for a specific report that is not included
- Create rule(s): viewable from the user’s dashboard (eg. must exercise for at least 15 continuous minutes to be counted)
3. Corporate One-to-One Coaching Programmes
There is a direct relationship between employee wellness and employee productivity.
Stress management, proper nutrition, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly all contribute towards a sense of well-being, self-confidence and feeling energised.
These in turn affect an employee’s productivity, focus and problem solving ability.
We offer private employee coaching for the following 2 areas:
Our coaches are well-trained and experienced specialists in the industry. But even more, they’re committed to learning and knowing exactly what each client truly needs.
They really listen – To figure out what you need and what you want to accomplish.
They pay attention – To read between the lines and learn how you live.
They ask questions – To discover what’s really important to you and why.
They team up – To work together and create something personal for you.
They coach and mentor – To ensure you’re on track, and remove roadblocks to success.
Get coached on how to improve physical activity, cardio fitness, strength, agility and coordination.
Our programme includes:
- Individual assessment
- Individual fitness programme design
- 3-weekly progress assessment and activity review for entire 12-week programme duration (5 meetings in total)
- Five (5) 30-minute One-to-One Training sessions included to coach the training programme and teach programme updates
- Dedicated Mobile App for client progress and programme design.
What and how you eat has a huge impact on many aspects of your life. It affects a person’s, energy, health, nutritional status, weight, self-esteem, mood and state-of-mind.
Faulty eating patterns acquired over time may prevent us from looking and feeling our best – and thus, performing at our best.
Our coaching programme can help identify these flaws and teach you how to correct them.
- Initial 1-hour consultation appointment that includes:
Initial assessment – weight, girth, medical history, bodyfat %, 12-week goal setting - Lifestyle review
- Personalised eating plan
- 12-months online behaviour change coaching programme delivered under license from Precision Nutrition, the Worlds No1. Online Coaching programme
- 3-weekly reviews and re-assessments x 5 appointments (3 months) with 3-weekly progress report
- Provision of weekly sample recipes & meal plans
If you would like to know more about our Corporate Wellness Programmes, please call us on 27877445/99877445 or email us on [email protected], and we’d be happy to meet you to discuss a suitable programme for your workforce, targeted towards your team’s requirements.