Consistency – the key to reaching your fitness goals
Wednesday, 04 December 2024
Get a FREE MONTH of Personal Training! Enrol in our Personal Training before the 21st December for at least 3 months and get an additional 4th month of personal training absolutely for free! That’s 33% free sessions! Call us on 99977444 or click here to schedule a free consultation! Offer only valid until the 21st
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Strength Training Beyond 40: A Fountain of Youth for Health and Vitality
Thursday, 16 November 2023
As we age, the quest for maintaining health and vitality becomes ever more crucial. One key component that often takes center stage in this pursuit is strength training. Contrary to the misconception that weightlifting is reserved for the younger generation, engaging in strength training beyond the age of 40 brings a myriad of benefits that
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35% Discount on select Personal Training packages till 30 Nov 2023!
Tuesday, 14 November 2023
For a short period (until 30th November 2023) we are offering a massive 35% discount on some of our One-to-One Personal Training packages! Personal Training is a One-to-One Fitness Coaching programme that gives you the highest success rate if you want to get fit, lose fat and tone up! You will be working One-to-One with
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Your Omega-3 status – 97% are deficient – are you too?
Tuesday, 03 October 2023
Omega-3 fatty acids, often referred to as the “good fats,” have garnered significant attention in recent years for their numerous health benefits. These essential nutrients are found in certain foods, but supplementation is often needed to reach optimal levels. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the incredible advantages of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation
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Save big by enrolling before the 24th December!
Tuesday, 20 December 2022
We are at the end of the year, and very often, in January of the New Year, people set resolutions, which often are about their weight, fitness and health. If that applies to you too, then you must act now (before Christmas!) to save yourself some serious money and at the same time commit to
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5 reasons why our programme is perfect for you
Thursday, 07 April 2022
Everyone knows that exercise is important to feel good and to maintain good health, yet in Malta less than 1 in 3 adults exercise regularly. Not everyone enjoys to exercise and to exert themselves physically, especially those that did not exercise much in their childhood. Consequently, people who don’t like to exercise never keep it
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Don’t wait for the right moment
Thursday, 13 January 2022
How many times have you thought about starting an exercise programme or changing your eating habits to healthier ones, but didn’t take action because it “wasn’t the right time”? Well, I’ve got news for you. There is no such thing as the “right time”… …especially if you’re an adult, have a full-time job and maybe
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Last chance for our 33.3% free bonus
Tuesday, 21 December 2021
Time is running out… Yes, right now, with Christmas around the corner, it’s not easy to focus on what you’d like to achieve in 2022, but if better health and fitness and a healhier lifestyle are among your priorities, then you should take action this week (before Friday 24th Dec!) We have a great Christmas
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8 reasons you probably need us!
Monday, 06 December 2021
Does at least ONE of these issues resonate with you? You don’t exercise enough (or at all) and you just can’t motivate yourself to exercise regularly by yourself You’re overweight You’re suffering from some aches or pains, and use that as a justification not to exercise You can’t get out of the Covid-19 rut You’re
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Our absolute best offer EVER!
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
You know that exercise is essential to good health and to looking good. Everybody knows that. When you combine regular exercise with good eating habits, it shows on your body. It also keeps the invisible ‘inside’ functioning well. Blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and other vital health markers are far more likely to remain within
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Why the Maltese need an Apple Watch
Friday, 07 August 2020
Recently, a lot of Maltese nationals got upset at Boris Johnson’s statement about Malta being the fattest nation in Europe. Well, whether you got upset or not, Malta is in fact the ‘fattest nation’ in Europe. Sometimes the truth hurts when someone tells it to your face. However, rather than get offended about it, we
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Small Group Personal Training – New Groups
Thursday, 30 July 2020
We have launched some new Small Group Personal Training groups. Interested in joining? Small Group Personal Training These are small groups of 3-4 people max. supervised by a personal trainer. The groups are small enough to ensure your trainer can properly supervise you, but are considerably cheaper than One-to-One training. Sessions are held at our
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Why our facility is safe to exercise in
Tuesday, 09 June 2020
We are happy to announce that our Personal Training gym is open again for business! Since your safety and the safety of our staff is of utmost importance to us, we have taken all neccessary steps to make the facility an example of a safe exercise environment. We have lots of space By nature of
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Home Workout – Day 5
Thursday, 19 March 2020
Today’s Day 5 workout is another full body strength & conditioning workout that will exercise the upper body, lower body, core and the cardiovascular system. We’ve built in some variations of exercises, giving you both easier as well as more challenging options. Day 5 Here is the video demonstration of the exercises: The exercises:
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Home Workout – Day 4
Thursday, 19 March 2020
On Day 4 of our home workout series we shall be focusing on stretching the spine as well as the shoulders. Note: If you suffer from back pain or have a shoulder injury, this workout may not be suitable for you. I love this routine as it really applies to so many people, including myself.
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Home workout – Day 3
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
On our third workout of the week we are going to do another full body strength and conditioning workout, aimed at exercising the upper body, lower body and core, as well as the heart and lungs. Aim for 3-5 rounds of the circuit, and try to keep your rest periods between exercises as short as
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Home Workout – Day 2
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
After having done a full body strength and conditioning workout yesterday, today we’ll be focusing on stretching the lower body, particularly the hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors and adductors (inner thighs). There are 7 stretches, and the goal is to hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds (or longer). When the stretch is on
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Home Workout – Day 1
Sunday, 15 March 2020
With many people stranded at home due to the Coronavirus risk, we figured it would be a good idea to provide you with workout options that you could do at home for the time period that you are not able to visit a gym. Just because you cannot leave home or attend a gym does
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Snacking for weight-loss: What you need to know
Monday, 02 March 2020
If you go to most gyms and ask someone who is into training for nutrition advice, be it a trainer or a keen fitness enthusiast, you will likely get the advice to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks per day. Eating every 2-3 hours is the mainstream advice given. Most people who provide this advice
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Mindful eating prevents weight gain
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
The festive season is about to begin, and during this period many people experience the most weight gain throughout the year. Such weight gain is largely a result of overindulgence on alcohol, party foods, dinners, snacks and sweets during company events, family gatherings and social events. In order to limit such weight gain, self-control and
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