Over 50? You need this!
Here’s the irony:
The older we get, the less we exercise. Especially once over 50.
Unfortunately, with increasing age, exercise becomes more and more important to help us maintain good health and body shape and fight off the effect of ageing.
Once we’re over 50, our bodies undergo certain changes that are not in our favour:
- We lose critical muscle mass, which is essential for maintaining a fast metabolism, good posture, strength, agility and coordination
- We lose proprioception – balance and agility decrease; falls increase
- Blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure start going out of range and may require medication
- We gain weight
- Energy levels decline
- We get lethargic and lazy
The good news is that exercise can work wonders in keeping our body young, fit, healthy and attractive!
Some of our clients in their late 50s and sixties can outperform many of the 20-30 year olds at our centre.
Their secret? Long-term, regular exercise with our team of personal trainers!
You too can start feeling and looking great again! You just need to take action!
The perfect way to start is in the privacy of a personal training studio. No crowds, confusion or waiting time for equipment.
Give us a call today on 27877445/99977444 to find out how we can inject vigor, strength and vitality in your body!
You can also schedule a free consultation here.