11-Week Supervised Group Exercise and Nutrition Programme
If you’re overweight and perhaps also have one or more cardiovascular risk factors like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar or excess fat around the waist, then we have the right programme for you!
Scientific validation
In 2017 we conducted a scientific study in collaboration with the University of Surrey, UK, which tested the impact of a 3-month supervised nutrition and exercise programme on men with the above health problems.
The study was a great success, and the health improvements were phenomenal.
Here are just a few achievements that were measured. Note that the values listed are AVERAGES across all participants, not just our best performers.
Improvements achieved:
- Mean waist circumference loss: 9.3cm (3.7inches)
- Mean blood pressure reduction: 11.3 (systolic), 12.0 (diastolic) mmHg
- Mean total Cholesterol reduction: 0.58 mmol
- Mean HDL (good cholesterol) increase: 0.1 mmol
- Mean triglycerides reduction (fat in blood): 0.28mmol
- E&N: Exercise and Nutrition Group E: Exercise only group N: Nutrition only group
- Values are expressed as means +/- standard mean error
Apart from that, participants showed highly significant increases in strength and cardiovascular fitness (endurance), plus achieved a significant reduction in their probability of getting a heart attack in the next 10 years (evaluated through the MESA score).
Also important to mention is that participants who combined the supervised exercise AND nutrition programme performed far better than those that followed only a nutrition programme or only an exercise programme (they performed the worst).
Next programme starts 7th October – Take part!
On the 7th October we are launching another programme that runs on the same principles as our study group did. And you have the chance to participate in it!
The programme will run for 11 weeks, from the 7th October until the 20th December 2019.
We shall be accepting both men and women. For details on the programme, please read on.
Programme components
Supervised Exercise programme
All participants will be taking part in a supervised group exercise programme, that is held 3 times per week. Sessions will be held either Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays or Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday mornings. Weekday sessions will be held in the evenings, between 5pm and 8pm in 1 hour intervals, depending on the number off participants and time availability of participants. Should there be sufficient request for sessions to be held in the mornings, this can be arranged.
Groups will be made out of 8 individuals max.
The exercise sessions will be 1 hour in duration and consist of a combination of cardiovsascular training (including treadmill walking, stationery bike, cross trainer, rower) and a resistance training circuit that exercises all major muscle groups of the body. The workout is ‘back friendly’, so if you suffer from some back pain, the workout will still be safe for you.
Supervised Nutrition programme
The way you eat (and drink and snack) has a major impact on your weight and your ability to lose weight. For most people, being overweight or obese is mainly an aesthetic issue, because they don’t like the way their body looks. However, being overweight or obese has much more serious health implications because it increases your likelihood of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar, which can eventually progress to type-2 diabetes. These are serious issues, because they cause damage to your ‘plumbing system’ by narrowing and damaging your blood vessels. Blocked arteries lead to heart attack, stroke and death.
Customised eating guideline
Different people have different eating habits.
Some have breakfast, some don’t, some like to eat 6-7 small meals and snacks throughout the day, while some like to eat only 2-3 meals a day. Some like to intermittent fast, eating only 8 hours a day, and fasting 16 hour a day.
All these approaches work, as long as they are followed properly. The secret to being able to reduce substantial weight over time is consistency in following a dieting approach, regardless of which option you have chosen. How consistent you are depends on how easy to follow and practical your eating guideline is. The more restrictive and complicated it is, the higher the probability of failure. That’s why we make sure our eating guidelines are simple, practical, convenient and repeatable.
Your eating guideline will be based on ‘normal’ foods that you are used to eating. We won’t make you eat something that you don’t like, but we will make your eating plan is as nutritionally balanced as possible. This means you can eat common foods like meat, chicken, fish, grains (including some bread and pasta), potatoes, dairy, fruits, vegetables and soups. Obviously, you will need to cut down on (but not eliminate completely) things like alcohol, sweets, fast foods and certain unhealthy, calorie-dense snacks. If you don’t like cooking, we can also give you ideas how to prepare quick, health meals that don’t need any cooking or only minimal cooking. You will not be required to buy nutritional supplements, shakes and vitamins.
You will have private, One-to-One meetings with your nutritionist, so that you can be given the right, customised nutrition advice for your particular needs.
Your nutritionist will be Richard Geres (MSc Nutritional Medicine), who is a Registered Nutritionist in Malta.
Monthly follow ups
To make sure you stay on track, you will have review appointments with your nutritionist every 4 weeks, totaling 4 appointments held in the beginning of the programme, after week 4, after week 8 and at the end of the programme. Appointments will be held on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Tracking your progress
To track your progress, we will measure your weight, your circumference measurements (waist, hips, thighs and chest) and your BMI, bodyfat percentage and blood pressure. These measurements will be repeated every month for a total of 4 times.
If you suffer from high cholesterol, high blood sugar or high triglycerides, we would suggest that you get these blood tests done at the beginning and end of the programme, in order to be able to track your progress. You can do these at your own Doctor, or we can provide a Lab to do these tests for you. Blood testing incurs and additional charge that is payable to the Lab where you do your blood tests.
Results may vary from person to person, and results are influenced by the amount and intensity of exercise performed, by your eating habits during the programme, and your metabolic health.
Testimonials from past participants
“I am 51 years old, I have a sedentary life and I quit smoking about 7 months ago. So I put on extra weight. I also suffer from high blood pressure and cholesterol.
So I joined a training group with Mr Richard Geres at Corinthia San Gorg for 3 months. Results were encouraging as I lost 9 kilos and about 3.5 inches from my waist, together with other improvements in chest size, hips and legs. I also improved in my fitness as, although I was never a keen runner, I managed to improve from 1.4 kms in 12 mins on treadmill to 1.79 kms. Other improvements were recorded in other types of exercises. These results were achieved with controlled training, three times a week only. Although Mr Geres provided guidelines on what to eat, my programme was based on training only and my way of dietary lifestyle. For those who are committed to feel better and be healthier, I recommend you to join similar programmes at Richard Geres (Corinthia San Gorg) where you can find dedicated, friendly and professional staff, very clean and air-conditioned environment. Thank you Mr Geres and staff.”
David Delezio
“Great training sessions with fantastic results as I lost weight and improved my running on the tennis court . high blood pressure and cholesterol have gone down now due to my weightloss . Food intake is much better and I am eating healthier food. The group session training was also fun due to meeting new friends, thanks to Richard and Amos who were excellent trainers,I recommend this personal training not just to improve your body but also more important it can save your life as it makes you healthier.”
David Montebello
“For a long time I lacked physical training plus my eating habits were out of control. This lead to an oversized body with a weight of 154kg. I tried various programmes, but always stopped after a couple of weeks. Fortunately, a couple of months ago I was given the golden opportunity to follow a 12 week program under the supervision of Richard Geres. He and his staff gave me motivation to start, and results were brilliant after 12 weeks. Lost over 12 kg, increased my stamina, lost 4 inches from my waist and now I manage to do a full workout. I can run for a full 30 minutes and beyond. I really recommend their services. Nowadays, a visit to the gym is part of my weekly habits with 3 sessions per week. It even helped to increase my self-esteem.”
Kevin Borg
“I am 50yrs. I was in a 12-week exercise program starting at 137kg. All I had to do is attend for 45 min at the gym, 3 times a week and follow the instructions. In my case no diets, just a little less food (sort of). All this resulted in 8kg less, and lost 4″ waist, 4″ hip, 2.5” thighs. But most important was lower blood pressure and increase agility (in all senses) and no more pain in my knees. If you are thinking of improving your health, give a present to yourself and enroll in one of his programs. Or give a present to a loved one. At least start the ball rolling and get a start kick with the help of a professional team. Richard Geres and his team are all professionally trained and attentive at your needs. They do not stress you out with too much pressure, just the right exercises and encouragement to do that little extra effort to improve at your own pace. And you will feel the difference in your every day life.”
Neville Abela
Apply now, places are limited!
Are you ready to lose weight and improve your health? In just 3 months you can be a slimmer, fitter and healthier version of yourself!
To register for the programme, click the link below.
Programme summary
Programme dates: 7th October 2019 – 20 December 2019
Venue: Corinthia Hotel St. George’s Bay, St. Julians
Available for men and women.
Exercise sessions
Group training in groups of max 8 people per group. 3 training sessions per week of 1 hour duration each, held Monday to Friday evenings at 5pm, 6pm and 7pm and Saturday mornings. Timings will be fixed according to client availability. Morning sessions also possible.
Nutrition coaching
One-to-One nutrition coaching sessions held at the beginning, after week 4, after week 8 and at the end of the programme. Customised eating guidelines provided to each participant based on eating preferences and lifestyle. Eating guidelines include most common foods like meat, chicken, fish, grains (including some bread and pasta), potatoes, dairy, fruits, vegetables and soups.
Nutritionist: Richard Geres, MSc. (registered Nutritionist)
Programme fee: €495 (payable on your first visit)